Shadowboxing For The Body

As part of our ongoing #shadowboxraw campaign, we’re challenging you to undertake Shadowboxing as part of your lifestyle.

Breaking Down The Physical Benefits

Following on from Shadowboxing for the Mind and the mental benefits that come from moving meditation, the focus turns to the physical advantages.

At first glance, Shadowboxing may not seem more than a simple warm-up for training but it provides great benefits for the entire body; enhancing technique, movement, fitness and muscle memory. The practice of throwing punches at the air or aimed at an imaginary opponent, mimicking moves that will be used in sparring and later in fights; this prepares the muscles and increases overall heart rate. All physical attributes come together and flow while going through the motions; throwing punches with personal goals in sight.

Technique: The perfect opportunity to work on form without any pressure of shots coming back; perfecting foot movement and correct punch fundamentals. Drill and reinforce muscle memory until it all becomes second nature.

Fitness: Challenging the body by increasing the speed of shots and punch output to develop shoulders, arms, chest and leg muscles while burning calories. Any time, anywhere, go through different rhythms and work up a sweat.

Preparation: Getting the body ready for movements of a fight scenario. Not only repeating punch variety but developing the crucial basics of movement and balance; therefore improving defence. 

Task 2: Shadowboxing For The Body

Shadowbox for Fitness: HIIT Workout
Shadowboxing (3 minutes x 6 rounds) with an exercise included in each round. Aim for as many reps as you can for every exercise.

Warm up:

Shadowbox - 1 minute
Stretch - 1 minute
Shadowbox - 1 minute

Round 1:

Shadowbox - 1 minute
Squats - 1 minute
Shadowbox - 1 minute

Round 2:

Shadowbox - 1 minute
Press-ups - 1 minute
Shadowbox - 1 minute

Round 3:

Shadowbox - 1 minute
Sit-ups - 1 minute
Shadowbox - 1 minute

Round 4:

Shadowbox - 1 minute
Sprint on the spot - 1 minute
Shadowbox - 1 minute

Round 5:

Shadowbox - 1 minute 
Star-jumps - 1 minute
Shadowbox - 1 minute